Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 2: Atlantic to Carroll (WHO SAID IOWA WAS FLAT)

Not me after today.  Every hill conquered just meant another hilll to conquer.  I'm quite weary of the conquering.  But it was still fun (of course this is Ragbrai after all).  The town of Carroll had a Vegas theme.  Didn't make me miss home.  I'm having too much fun, home can wait.  I get to sleep in an air conditioned room tonight (yippie).  I know that  doesnt seem like a  big deal but TRUST ME it is.  Jay Alberts gave a talk at a local Parkinsons support group; it was great to hear the story behind the story.  Learned some new things about the exercise and Parkinsons Disease.  In so glad I've found the direction I have in regards to managing my PD.  I'm always looking for more information to help me live a more fulfilling life (I guess we're all doing that, no matter our life circumstances),  Off to Ames tomorrow.

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