Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 2: Cherokee to Lake View (Ain’t that America)

John Mellencamp captured the essence of the American heartland so poetically.  These small Iowa towns are the American “heartland”.  One of the things I love about these towns is the  patriotism.  These people love their country and they show it.  House after  house has some symbol that portrays their patriotism.  I think I might break the mold in Las Vegas and get me a half circle flag that I see displayed on so many homes here in Iowa. 

Today’s ride was tough.  It wasn’t a long ride (for me, I went half the distance) but with the heat, it was hard. I ended up riding by myself because in order to beat the heat, I choose not to wait for Pat who rode the entire distance.  I missed riding with Pat but the solitude was nice.  It gave me a chance to reflect on how grateful I am not just to be here, but to have the health that allows me to do this.  I hope and  plan on maintaining my health for many, many years ahead.  Exercise I believe is the “magic bullet” that will get me there.  If any of you have slacked off of your exercise regime (no judgement, I’ve been guilty in the past), just get up and do something.  You’ll feel so much better.  That’s my lecture for the day.  Just Do It!!!

Day 2 Pictures:

Bought a water in memory of my dad

Raffle time - Jay and his daughter Abby

We stayed at Jay Alberts childhood friend Tonio Onken's lakefront home.  Everything you could ask for.  Beautiful home, air conditioning (I mention that a lot), fabulous dinner, most gracious host.
My new friend Carly, a third grader from Lakeview, Iowa.  Carly gave me a delicious, juicy piece of watermelon and as an added bonus, kept me company while I refueled for the last leg of the ride.

What my legs looks like after every ride

Sometimes Pat gets tired too

How most people do Raagbrai

How most people do Ragbrai - 2

Lakeview Display

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